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We use Secure Socket Layering (SSL) technology to encrypt your personal credit or debit card information, including the account number, while it is transmitted over the Internet between your computer and our website servers. SSL is the industry standard technology for secure online transactions. Encryption is a sophisticated method of "scrambling" data.

If unauthorized charges (as determined by your card issuer) are made on your credit or debit card as a result of purchases made on utilizing our securre servers, Fiesta Tableware Company will reimburse you for up to $50 of any amounts you are required to pay by the card issuer.

Also, under the Fair Credit Billing Act, your credit card provider cannot hold you liable for more than $50 of unauthorized charges on a credit card. Your liability for unauthorized use of a debit card may be higher, but many debit card issuers voluntarily apply the $50 limit to their cards as well.

Remember: In the event of unauthorized use of your credit or debit card, you must promptly notify the card issuer pursuant to its reporting rules and procedures.

Our Use of Cookies regularly uses cookies.

A "cookie" is a small file stored by your web browser on you computer's hard drive. Cookies allow us to recognize who you are when you arrive at our site by associating the anonymous identification numbers in the cookie with other information you as a customer have provided us. That customer information is stored on our secured database.

At no time is your personally identifiable information (name, street address, credit card number) stored within one of our cookies. Cookies allow us to understand how you clicked to our site and what pages you click on during your visit to our site. Knowing who you are and how you prefer to shop allows us to improve your shopping experience and speed your checkout process. We do not use cookies to track your activity on sites other than those operated by Fiesta Tableware Company.

Accepting cookies through your web browser is your personal choice. You can still shop and purchase from even if you set your browser to disable cookies. However, if you choose not to accept cookies, we may not be able to provide you with as exceptional a shopping experience as one that is specifically tailored to your needs.

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