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We want you to be our Plate Pal!

With the Fiesta Plate Pal Perks Loyalty Program, it's easy to start earning rewards for your purchases on our website.

Please login or create an account to start earning

How it Works

The Plate Pal Perks Loyalty Program is our way of expressing gratitude to our valued customers. By participating in the program, you earn points for every dollar spent on Fiesta products, which can be redeemed for exciting rewards.  You also will receive special discounts at each tier that you achieve during a calendar year.

1. Create an account

Create an account with us or log in to your existing account to begin.

2. Earn Points

Get 1 point for every $1 spent on your purchases.

3. Redeem for Rewards

Receive a special discount code for each tier. More rewards and benefits coming soon.

Make sure you're signed up for our email list so you can be notified of special discounts and offers that are only available for our loyalty club members! Find the sign up form at the bottom of this page.

Plate Pal Perks Reward Tiers

Redeemable at Fiesta Factory Direct only, rewards expire 1 year after they are earned.

0-249 points


Create an account or log in to
receive $5 off your next purchase.

250-399 Points

Salad Plate

Receive a one-time
15% off discount code

400-499 Points

Luncheon Plate

Receive a one-time
20% off discount code

500+ Points

Dinner Plate

Receive a one-time
25% off discount code

Redeem Points

You can redeem points you earn for a discount.

$5 Off

Redeem 200 points for $5 off your order.

$10 Off

Redeem 300 points for $10 off your order.

$15 Off

Redeem 500 points for $15 off your order.


Joining is easy! Simply create an account on our website, and you will automatically be enrolled in the Plate Pal Perks Loyalty Program. If you already have an account, just log in and you'll be part of the program.

Thank you for being a part of the Fiesta Tableware family! We appreciate your continued support.