Free ground shipping on orders over $99 within the U.S. (excludes HI & AK) - $4.95 Handling Fee on All Orders

What are the shipping options? uses FedEx as our shipping carrier and provides you with the following options.

  • Ground Services Delivery in 4-6 business days to most areas.
    • FedEx Ground (Monday - Friday Delivery)
    • FedEx Home Delivery (Monday - Sunday Delivery, can vary based on location)
  • FedEx International Priority® Delivery in 3-4 business days to most areas.
  • FedEx International Economy® Delivery in 5-8 business days to most areas.
  • The customer is responsible for customs/duties fees not included in international shipping costs.
    • Shipping to Alaska and Hawaii, currently we can only ship to Alaska and Hawaii using FedEx 2nd day. This does not mean your order will be delivered within 2 days.

    • Ordering Retired Items: Shipping will take 7 - 10 days and items will ship separately from other items.  

    How do I check my order?

    1. You can check the status of your order by clicking here.
    2. Call customer service at 1 (800) 452-4462

    When FedEx picks up your order for shipping, we will send you an email with the FedEx tracking number. You may then go to the FedEx website and track your package by your FedEx tracking number.

    What if my order arrives damaged or broken?

    If your package appears damaged, or upon opening the carton if you find the items to be damaged, please click here and fill out the form for immediate replacement or refund. We will arrange to have picked up or ask you to destroy – please do not discard packaging materials. You will not be charged for returning a damaged carton.

    What is a Handling Fee?

    Effective August 14, 2018, has imposed a $4.95 Handling Fee, on all website and phone orders. This fee applies to all orders, including those eligible for free shipping. The handling fee will not be applied to returns/replacement orders.

    The handling fee is necessary due to the continually rising costs of handling and packaging materials; to help us provide the best delivery experience for our customers.

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    Can I return retired items?

    No, all sales are final on retired items, no returns, exchanges or refunds.

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